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Square root from 1 to 30 – values and examples

Square root from 1 to 30 refers to a compiled list of square roots of the numbers from 1 to 30. The value of a square root can either be negative or positive. Since this article will only deal with numbers 1 to 30, we will talk about positive square roots in detail.

Let’s discuss the values, importance and other things about square roots.

Table of square root from 1 to 30

The table given below gives the values of square roots of numbers from 1 to 30. You can take a printout of this table and stick it on the wall above your study desk. And whenever you sit down to study, these numbers will be just a glance away. Moreover, you’ll ace all mathematical calculations if you know the values of these square roots.

Number Square Root Number Square Root
√1 1 √16 4
√2 1.414 √17 4.123
√3 1.732 √18 4.234
√4 2 √19 4.359
√5 2.236 √20 4.472
√6 2.449 √21 4.583
√7 2.646 √22 4.690
√8 2.828 √23 4.796
√9 3 √24 4.899
√10 3.162 √25 5
√11 3.317 √26 5.099
√12 3.464 √27 5.196
√13 3.606 √28 5.292
√14 3.742 √29 5.385
√15 3.873 √30 5.477

Perfect squares from 1 to 30

All the numbers in the above table that give an integer as their square root are called perfect squares. The numbers given below are perfect squares:

Number Square Root
√1 1
√4 2
√9 3
√16 4
√25 5


Non-perfect squares from 1 to 30

All numbers apart from the five numbers mentioned above are called non-perfect squares because the value of their square roots goes up to an ‘n’ number of digits after the decimal place. The value of such roots is an irrational number.


Number Square Root
√2 1.414
√3 1.732 
√5 2.236
√6 2.449
√7 2.646
√8 2.828
√10 3.162
√11 3.317
√12 3.464
√13 3.606
√14 3.742
√15 3.873
√17 4.123
√18 4.234
√19 4.359
√20 4.472
√21 4.583
√22 4.690
√23 4.796
√24 4.899
√26 5.099
√27 5.196
√28 5.292
√29 5.385
√30 5.477


Calculating the value of the square root of numbers from 1 to 30

We can calculate the value of square roots by two methods:

  • Prime factorization
  • Long division

Prime factorization
For example, let’s find the square root of the number 16
We know that the factors of 16 are 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
Square rooting on both sides gives,
√16 = √(2 x 2 x 2 x 2)
Now, we can make two pairs of 2 and get,
√16 = √(4 x 4)
Therefore, 4 is the square root of 16. 

Long division 
By following the long division method, we can find the square root of any number, for example, 29, as given below. 


Question 1 – Find the square root of 26
Solution – we know that 26 = (2×13)
From the above tables, we put the value of 2 and 13
26 = 1.414 x 3.606
26 = 5.099

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Frequently Asked Questions

1.What do you mean by square root?
Ans: By the square root of a number, we refer to the inverse operation of squaring a number. We can calculate the square root of a number by the long division method or the prime factorization method.

2. How will you find the value of square roots of numbers between 1 and 30?
Ans: You can find the value of square roots of numbers between 1 and 30 by prime factorization or long division. 

3. Write the perfect square numbers between 1 and 30.
Ans: There are five perfect square numbers between 1 to 30, they are 1, 4, 9, 16, and 25.