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A curved line is a type of line that is not straight but has a smooth high curvature. It is bent and is continuous. We often come across different types of shapes and curved lines are found around us in prominent shapes as well. 

Curved lines are also lines but are different from straight lines since they are bent and have higher curvature than straight lines. Curved lines are an important part of mathematics and are used in graphs of functions as well.

We can enlist the differences between the two types of lines below:


There are many types of curved lines.

  1. Simple curve – A curve that doesn’t cross itself such as the letter U.
  2. Complex curve – A curve that crosses itself such as the number 8.
  3. Open curve – A curved line is open when its endpoints do not meet. For example, the letters S, C and U are open curves because the endpoints do not meet. 

4. Closed curve – A curved line is closed when its endpoints meet. The letter O is an example of a closed curved line. The shapes below are types of closed curved lines.

5. Algebraic curve A plane curve that joins a set of points are located on a plane and is represented in terms of polynomials. For example C = {(p, q) ϵ : A (p, q) =0}

6. Transcendental curve A curve having intersecting points. It is different from the algebraic curve as it cannot be defined by a polynomial.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

    Q1. What are curved lines?

    Ans: The lines that are not straight but have a bent are called curved lines.

    Q2. Which of the following are open curved lines?


    Ans: Figure C is the only closed curved line. Figure A is an open curve and figure B is a straight line.

    Q3. What is a simple curve?

    Ans: A curve that doesn’t cross itself is a simple curve such as a U.